mase mule2 sy open blog ni..niat nak tulis pasal something yg sy rase xbest kt dalam tetibe ade thought coming mengatakan bahwa sy xpatut tulis tuh kt sini.."don't share ur sadness here, nnt syaitan bace, die akan cube dr arah belakang depan kiri kanan utk menggoyangkan sy"
sy patut share mende laen yg lagi berfaedah utk sy reflek, n might be beneficial for others too..
penah x rase once bile kite dpt tau sesuatu tuh, tetibe mende tuh dtg bertubi2..mcm nk menguatkan n mcm nk bg 2nd 3rd 4th imunisasi (betul ke istilah utk cucuk2 imunisasi tu?once blaja mase form 5 dlu je skali,xbertubi2 dh pasti pasal immunisasi ni)
cth: ade smthg yg tetibe caught our eyes,n tetibe lps tuh asyek nampak mende tuh je,jumpe kat mane2 wlpn tanpa dirancang?
ade org kate: mmg sblm ni mende tuh mmg sntiasa ade, tp kite je yg xpasan..tuh la once bile kite dh prasan kite rase asyek jumpe je
tp hati sy kuat mengatakan (wah, ini mcm sy yg dlu..slalu berckp dgn hati sndri) "tak..kalo dr dlu dh ade,dh lame sy pasan"
but bile dh blaja ToK kt KMB dlu br sy prasan akan kewujudan phrase ini : "Seeing is believing or believing is seeing?"
ni,bile dh semakin tua ni..mula la rase mcm2 bersimpul siur dlm hati, dlm otak..ade yg elok folded membentuk bentuk2nya tersendri ade yg unfolded bersepah2 sane sini.
kenkdg rase NUMB je (ya Allah, jgnla keraskan hati sy..jgn Kau matikan hati ini..hidup suburkanla dgn makrifatMu)
dgr tp xrase pape
lihat tp xrase pape
bace tp xrase pape
rase tp xrase pape mcm dh meleret lak ni..lari dr ape yg sy nk tulis awal2 td
baiklah, sy rase better sy statekan ape mende yg dtg bertubi2 kt sy semenjak due menjak terdekat ni
1) pasal mati
2) konsep jgn takut jgn sedih (la takhafuu wa la tahzanuu)
Dua mende ni sy dgr bertubi2, bkn dr org yg sama, bukan di tempat yg sama, bukan pada waktu yg sama tp mmg bertalu2 dlm mase 3minggu ni
even dlm tempoh satu session sy jumpe ayat Allah yg ckp pasal jgn takut jgn sedih ni dlm Quran kt mcm2 tempat..satu bile bincang pasal konsep iman, satu bile cite pasal perang uhud, satu bile ckp pasal hari akhirat..seperti bese bile penyampai bg no ayat,cepat2 sy bukak quran tgk ayat tuh,bile die ckp pasal laen pn bukak2 stil jumpe ayat yg same..Allah ckp jgn takut jgn sedih
sampai sy terpikir..ade pakatan ape2kah
tp sy xrase pakatan itu wujud
yg sy rase..Allah has sent them to me..bacakan ayat2 tuh utk sy
mungkin itu yg sy perlukan skang ni
ingt mati itu pasti
jgn sedih dgn ape yg dh lps
dan jgn takut dgn ape yg akan dtg
sbb ape yg dh lps n ape yg bakal berlaku sumenye aturan ALlah
n kene yakin..Allah know the best for us, for me
Friday, April 04, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
byk sgt yg sy blaja dlm tempoh spring hols ni..byk yg teramat byk..bile dlm perjalanan tu slalu refleks n karang ayat dlm ati,tp x terkongsi2 kt blog pn, or xtertulis2 dlm my own DD..byk2 sgt mende yg Allah ajar sy,kenkdg mende tuh dtg bertubi2,kenkdg mende tuh dtg tetibe,n kengkdg mende tuh dtg implicitly.
masya Allah
subhana Allah
astaghfirullah astaghfirullah astaghfirullah
"Our Lord! You have not created this without purpose, glory to You, Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire" [3:191]
it might take me 3 or 4 hours or might be a whole day for me to share what did i learn here{ what did i observe, what did knock my heart, what happened to my soul my heart,how Allah has arranged my own syllabus in a beautiful way(kenkdg menyakitkan juge), how the "Jgn takut dan jgn sedih"concept cherishes muslim life}..but i really2 want to share it with somebody..hope i could beramal with my knowledge n understanding, n i hope i do could tell people,share with them the beauty of living as hamba Allah,hope Allah will always give me strength to stay istiqamah with this deen,will always show and guide me to the right way, accept my repentance, firm my heart in this deen..indeed, knowing Allah is the greatest gift ever gifted to me
masya Allah
subhana Allah
astaghfirullah astaghfirullah astaghfirullah
"Our Lord! You have not created this without purpose, glory to You, Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire" [3:191]
it might take me 3 or 4 hours or might be a whole day for me to share what did i learn here{ what did i observe, what did knock my heart, what happened to my soul my heart,how Allah has arranged my own syllabus in a beautiful way(kenkdg menyakitkan juge), how the "Jgn takut dan jgn sedih"concept cherishes muslim life}..but i really2 want to share it with somebody..hope i could beramal with my knowledge n understanding, n i hope i do could tell people,share with them the beauty of living as hamba Allah,hope Allah will always give me strength to stay istiqamah with this deen,will always show and guide me to the right way, accept my repentance, firm my heart in this deen..indeed, knowing Allah is the greatest gift ever gifted to me
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