Friday, October 23, 2009

12.15 a.m. bagan datoh

I’m crying,
For the first time since i’ve been here in bagan datoh.

Too much unwell feeling stuffed in my heart.
But this tear is definitely NOT because of the so-called problems
It’s because I just finished watching Air Mata Ibu
Although the movie has been released for how many years I could not remember (siti pun muke budak2 lagi time nyanyi lagu tema tuh)..this is my first time watching it
Too much watery-eyes scenes laa..and my eyes also get wet

Hoho I found my English is very rusty..hard to brush it up
Yet I have to teach English?
Now I feel the pain so I better stop thinking about my problemsss
Wish to have a nice sleep and wake up early to perform qiam

Only He could understand and help me
O The Almighty, give me strength

Bless me with your rahmah

Help me

Help me

Help me
Betulke nk jd cikgu

Ingat lagi lepas SPM dlu (2003)..antara nk jd doctor or jd cikgu, Tanya kawan2 sume support amek medic, mak ayah xkesah tp sy tau diorg pn mengharapkan sy amek medic.

Tp dalam hati saya still nk jd cikgu,cikgu,cikgu,cikgu sbb mmg dh termaktub dalam kad 001 nk jd cikgu.

Along kate,”dila betulke nk jd cikgu?budak2 zaman sekarang hebat2. Saya kata iA saya akan kuat, iA sbb saya ada Allah n iA kuat selagi mak, ayah n along support saya.[ rephrase sentence, xingt sy struktur sebenar ayat)

Tp untuk menyedapkan hati saya applied gak dua2 kos, [1) ijazah sarjana muda kimia dan pendidikan 2) medicine ] dengan memohon agar Allah tunjukkan apa yang terbaik untuk saya, sy yakin iA yang terbaik mmg telah ditetapkan olehNya.

Dengan nekadnya menolak tawaran matriks, I went to both interviews..KPM punya interview dlu pastu baru JPA.

Utk nk jd cikgu mcm2 sy dok nyembang sbb mmg dtg dari hati.
Utk temuduga JPA saya dengan blanknya terus meminta izin nk berhenti ckp sbb sy xtau kenapa saya nk jd doctor dan belaja medic di UK. My heart told me nothing bout medicine so did my brain.

Then obviously sy xdpt tawaran JPA (tuh pun along yg tolong checkkan keputusan) n saya dapat tawaran KPM (pun along tolong cekkan)

6 years later..

I’ve gained my BSc (Hons) Chemistry and Diploma of Education and now I’ve been posted to a school. Officially I’m a teacher now (haven’t get pay yet so no raya money for this year ;p )
Suddenly rase cam down lak..xla down sangat tp down sket. Selama ni mmg berkobar2 nk jd cikgu walaupun xkesah ape org kate n blaja tergolek terlentang terbeku n berbagai ter lagi xpenah pn rase down camni.

Betul, sy down sbb students. Betul apa yang along ingtkan saya dlu.

(Along is no longer here..along is somewhere over the sea..along nk jd doctor dan saya rase now dia still bertungkus lumus menjadi doctor)

regret ?


Never iAllah
